Sunday, April 8, 2007

The scarcity of resources – the most destabilizing factor in today’s world

I am cautious optimistic about the current situation, I am not sure if today’s stable and peaceful phenomenon (excluding regional conflict) will last eternally, if the war undoubtedly burst out, the trigger must be the limited resources.
Around one year ago, a piece of news about pollution impressed me so much that I still shudder when I recall the scientists’ prediction. They expected that the climate change so terribly that people cannot live and the fight for the limited resources will break the peaceful situation completely. At that time, I inclined to thinking that they exaggerate the fact, however, it becomes very common to find news about the terrible situation of the environment recently. I was warned again and again . Today I read an essay about the water pollution in Southeast Asia form The Straits Times, I began to be shaken as I read the title “World’s most valuable resource under siege.”
As the essential resource to sustain life, nothing can substitude the role water plays in human’s life, whereas many governments are in the face of not abundant water supply, millions of the people are in the urgent need of the water. Even in the regions like Southeast Asia with abundance of fresh-water systerm and high rainfall also face this tough problem caused by the pollution. As the author mentioned, over-exploitation of water sources for industrial and domestic purposes has helped deplete the limited water resources to a large extent. Imagine that if the water scarcity has seriously influenced human’s life, nothing they will adopt except grasping the water with force. Thus, the cruel war seems to be inevitable. I think that everyone should regard resources problems as the most urgent and significant issue and everyone should make efforts to avoid such tragic affect.
I do not think I have the right to criticize others since I myself do not help a lot in saving water, but as a resident of the earth who have awaken from the ignorance and really realize the importance of saving water, I think I have the duty to remind and awaken everyone before it is too late. Maybe you will ask that water can be circulation used, but I would like to highlight that the technology is not so advanced and the whole process cost a lot of time, furthermore each time the water be supplied is limited, even if we waste a drop, it will make it not convenient to other’s life. Another thing should not be neglected is the polluted water which contains toxic elements will lead to the disease, the big amount of the polluted water cannot be reused. As the author commented “Pollution has made already scarce water resource scarcer.” For the sake of the humans, solutions must be taken to solve resource scarcity problems . As for individuals, saving water undoubtedly is very basic

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