Saturday, April 7, 2007

Go on eating shark’s fin

If I express my opinion directly in the public, I am sure that I will attract intense criticism since most people will stand at the opposite position, even people who regard it as a controversial issue will not hesitate to disapprove me, whereas my perspective will not be changed although they will try to persuade me by the emotional words and vivid examples. In fact, they misunderstood my real meaning.
The first thing I want to explain is that I also disapprove of catching sharks without restriction, in fact, I incline to agreeing with capturing a restricted amount of sharks instead of banning it. In essence, it is a strategy to control the amount of sharks and keep the balance of marine ecology at the same time. Undoubtedly, as the unique and absolute ruler of the sea, sharks have established an unraveled position. As a result, the fate of the small fish is to be the victims of the sharks. Of course, it is a common natural regulation, however, have you considered the dinosaurs which had the similar situation before? Such kind of rulers without human’ intelligence would be easily in the face of the food deficiency problems as they did not breed food. As we know, all the resources in the earth are limited, but the increasing rate of the dinosaurs was much higher than the rate of the food growing. Similarly, if the amount of the sharks is not under control, can you imagine what will happen? A direct influence is that sharks have to fight for the limited food and most of them will suffer from hunger. As for the small fish, they will be extincted. With the duties of keeping the balance of the food chains, solutions must be taken by people lest such things happen. I must admit that the purpose of capturing sharks now is obviously only for the considerable benefit, and the amount of sharks be caught is really much higher than the border we can tolerate. I also feel angry with such actions, but as I mentioned before, my opinion is catching sharks under control since I have pointed the necessity of it. The problem is that, if solutions will not be taken by people, who will play the role of keeping the balance of the sea? Comparing to the possible worse results, having shark fin’ soup, is not only for the taste, not only for human’s health, but for the future generation of the marine creatures. We should not neglect that, as an expensive dish, the demand of shark fin’ soup can be controlled.
Another aspect should be considered is the people who make a living by it. The boss of capturing the sharks have become millionaires, however, the workers will lose their jobs if such action is banned. Then the government will be under pressure since they have to spend more money on the welfare. I must highlight that comparing to environment which decides the fate of the human, the loss of the economy is not worthy to consider. Also such social problems are temporary because in the future no one will choose this profession, however, as I pointed before, catching sharks appropriately will not break the environment, in contrast, it keeps the balance of the ecology. Agreeing with catching sharks under control is reciprocal.
I admit that it is cruel to deprive sharks of freedom, but it is the realistic world, it is the natural regulation, in order to avoid the ecology being broken, nothing can be done by people except catching them. My opinion is not for the money, but for the sharks. I myself like animals very much, in fact, I am firmly against catching sharks without restriction. Based on this, eating shark fin’ soup should be accepted.

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