Sunday, April 29, 2007

Animals should be used in the scientific experiment

It is universally acknowledged that animals play an indispensable role in the scientific research at the cost of sacrificing their own lives. As the direct beneficiary, everyone should feel sympathetic to those animals with their miserly fates, some advocates of the animal rights even try to forbid scientists to use animals in their experiments because they believed that everything was created by equal, humans do not have the rights to deprive animals of their lives.
Their suggestions are kind but not realistic, they neglect the fact that it is impossible to empower the same rights to humans and animals. Animals should not be regarded to be at the same position as humans. The laws in humans’ world offer us a guarantee that each person has the right of not being hurt, if the application is also suitable in animals’ world, of course scientists should not be allowed to use animals in the experiments, however, if we want to protect the animals’ rights of not being hurt, in essence, we had already broke the laws of the nature, in accordance with this logic, wild animals should not be allowed to capture and hurt other animals as their food, thus how could provide food for them? It is conceivable that animals do not have senses of duties unlike people, so they should not have the same as humans. Based on this, although using animals for scientific experiments, such kind of action should not be criticized, at least from animal rights angle because the definition of human rights and animals are different. Unlike mistreating animals, the use of scientific research has a more meaningful and essential purpose.
The next aspect I want talk about is the necessity of using animals in the experiments. To a large extent, it seems to be impossible to establish a reciprocal mould for animals and humans. Everything has two sides, experiment is not an exception. People benefit a lot from experiments, on the other hand, endless animals lost their lives. Due to the limited technology and intelligence , no one was dare to apply the medicine to heal humans’ diseases without the justification by using animals to test it .Science is based on the experiments, it pays to use animals to do experiments, or we have slow down the pace of development of science which can improve our standard of lives.
Another aspect I want to complement is that animals are not only play the roles of victims of the experiment , in fact, their contribution are not unrequited. Diseases not only pose a great threat to the human-beings, but also invade the bodies of the animals. If scientists succeed in working out the remedy by experiments, animals will survive as well as people with the help of the medicine. It is also significant to the future generations of animals . In many cases, humans use technology to help animals live better, so I cannot emphasize the importance of scientific experiments too much.
On no account can we hurt animals without meaning purposes, and we should spare no efforts to care for them, but comparing to scientific research, we are compelled to hurt them. There is no denying that it is really unfair to animals, but we do not have other choice as an alternative. We feel sorry to them but after all scientists were not against the animals rights. In conclusion, animals should be used for scientific experiments.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ice is melting, spring is coming- be optimistic about the bilateral relationship between China and Japan

Since China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s seminal visit to Japan which was to be known as the “melt the ice” trip, following and relating to Mr Abe’s “break the ice” trip. Such mutual friendly action seemed to demonstrate the bright hope from leaders in both sides, whereas if we consider it dispassionately, as the saying, “ no permanent friendship, only permanent benefit”, they just exploited each other, Mr Abe strengthened his power, Chinese government also elevated the reputation so they both avoid the sensitive topic, therefore people began to doubt how much development they obtain in essence?
Today, an essay from The Straits Times written by Mr Eyal with the name of “ Japan and China’s precarious spring” discuss this issue. As the title suggested, the author seemed not to be very optimistic about the prospect of the relationship between two countries. In fact , his worries were sensible. As he pointed the thorny conflicts such as the exploitation of the gas deposits in the East China Sea and Japan's application for the permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council will be obstacle to influence the agenda. Another unstable factor is that the historic hostility will stimulate many Chinese people’s prejudice against Japanese to a certain extent . Although leaders in both sides may adopt concession to relieve the tension, however,as the author doubted, is their determination genuine? The author’s metaphor in the end impressed me a lot, “ even as the ice melts drifting icebergs remain. And as the passengers of the Titanic - that supposedly unsinkable ship-discovered, icebergs can be deadly.’ I think his description about the current situation was quite accurate and proper, but I do not agree with his judge : icebergs can be deadly.’
As we know many tragedies in history were triggered by the trivial conflicts, however, under modern world’s regulation, no country dares to start the war hastily(America is bogged down in Iraq ) since the International Situation became more and more complicated,it demands the discernment and judgment of the leaders .Just like Titanic’s tragedy which was caused by captain’s carelessness to a large extent, if the head of each country lead their country to a right direction and impletement pragmatic policies, China and Japan are able to sail safely. In order to benefit more, conflicts among countries are usually exorable, whereas each country is able to control their appetite and anger to avoid the war. Negotiation and concession play an important role in today’s world. The era has changed, although we still need to be cautious about the spats, we should not be pessimistic about the bright future.
Return to the relationship between China and Japan, as I mentioned, the friendship among countries is temporary, the permanent bridge between countries is benefit. In fact, leaders in both sides are in the dilemma to cope the relationship. Since Deng Xiaoping’s reform, China has not differentiated friends or foes by ideology, pragmatism was espoused as the diplomatic formula. They have been aware of the economic development of Japan and the considerable income if they cooperate. based on this, they inclined to establishing a reciprocal mould so they only open an eye about some radical actions in Japan , but they are also under the pressure to be regarding to be powerless by the public. As for the Japanese leaders, if their stances are too tender, their will lose the support of the radical people in the party; if they behave too uncompromisingly, they will lose the cooperation and trust of China. Thus, the relationship between China and Japan is very subtle and complicated.
Based on this, how should we predict the prospect of the relationship between China and Japan? The norm should be if both countries agree to the necessity of establishing a reciprocal development mould which will be decisive to the economic. China is a big market , and Japan is at the peak of the economic now . Without the support of China, Japan will not maintain its status. As a lively country which develop very fast, China also try its bestto attract the technology, investment and management experience from Japan. Obviously, such relationship will last for a long time, so both countries would not magnify the conflict, instead, they will try to strengthen their relationship regardless of historical conflicts and some radical powers.
I admit that the process of strengthening their friendship will not be smooth , but we should be optimistic about the beautiful future, an era belongs to Asia is coming.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Professor Yuan Lonhping-my hero

Professor Yuan Longping

More than fifty years ago, the Secretary of the U.S. stated that the Chinese government was not able to establish an abundant food supply since the large population was a tough burden. If e look at today’s China, undoubtedly, his prediction was wrong. He wound not expect that Chinese government not only solved the food deficiency problem, but also be able to export food although China has a larger number of population than it at that time . Except Deng Xiaoping ‘s reform and opening policy, this great change should also attribute to the historic achievements of Professor Yuan Longping , who is to be known as the father of the hybrid rice.
How big is his contribution to China? We can be aware of it by the following statistics data. The production of rice of each mu(a traditional unite of area )in China in 1950 was only 141kg , till to 1998, it has increased to 3.2 times,450kg. In today’s China, 60% of the production of rice was planted by Yuan Longping and his helpers. From 1976 to 1998 China produced 0.35 billion rice than expected, profited 350billon RMB and solve the food problem of morn than 5 million people.
I regard him as my hero because of his strong will and flawless character. In the face of the difficulties, he never gives up. For instance, in order to search for a suitable sample, he tried at least 1000 times! Maybe the God was moved by his persistent efforts, provided the opportunity for him to find out it finally. Instead of applying the patent for the precious sample or keeping it as a secret, he sent the samples to the scientists and organizations which were on the same research at that time. It was a really rare character to share the samples with your rivals. Imagining that if someone else came up with the theory finally with the samples he provided, Professor Yuan’s efforts would be overshadowed. When we recall the history of the development of the science,, without considering, you can blurt out same outstanding scientists who were as hardworking as him or even more intelligent that him, whereas you will feel difficult to choose one who was so selfless that even shared his work with rivals, in contrast, it is quite common to list the arguments for the patent. We will appreciate his decision after considering his purposes. As a scientist who understood the importance of his research clearly and fully, he was not working for the money, personal reputation or status, it was for the people in the urgent need of the abundant food supply. In his mind, no matter who will succeed in the end was less essential to the benefit people would obtain. He was such a noble person that the nation and people weighs the most in the scales in his heart, therefore he did not think it was worthy to consider his profits too much comparing to the benefit of the nation and people. Based on this, I admired him very much and I decided to make efforts to benefit our people, our society and our nation.
I also appreciate his modest attitude of success, unlike many people changed a lot after becoming famous , Professor Yuan kept his simple lifestyle and behavior. In essence, he is more like a common farmer than a well-known scientist since he always lives with farmers and becomes their sincere friend. Although his creative work has helped improve the production to a large extent, he was still not satisfied with his previous achievements. He has the ambition to provide food for more and more people. Although he cannot slow down the pace of growing old, his heart is keeping young. Now he was nearly 80, at the age of enjoying and resting, but he decided to continue to be the pioneer of climbing the higher mountain.
Professor Yuan’s achievement are quite decisive and seminal to the fate and the future of the human-beings, thanks to his outstanding contribution, we do not need to worry for the food. I will obtain the power from him, try my best to be a useful person for the society.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The scarcity of resources – the most destabilizing factor in today’s world

I am cautious optimistic about the current situation, I am not sure if today’s stable and peaceful phenomenon (excluding regional conflict) will last eternally, if the war undoubtedly burst out, the trigger must be the limited resources.
Around one year ago, a piece of news about pollution impressed me so much that I still shudder when I recall the scientists’ prediction. They expected that the climate change so terribly that people cannot live and the fight for the limited resources will break the peaceful situation completely. At that time, I inclined to thinking that they exaggerate the fact, however, it becomes very common to find news about the terrible situation of the environment recently. I was warned again and again . Today I read an essay about the water pollution in Southeast Asia form The Straits Times, I began to be shaken as I read the title “World’s most valuable resource under siege.”
As the essential resource to sustain life, nothing can substitude the role water plays in human’s life, whereas many governments are in the face of not abundant water supply, millions of the people are in the urgent need of the water. Even in the regions like Southeast Asia with abundance of fresh-water systerm and high rainfall also face this tough problem caused by the pollution. As the author mentioned, over-exploitation of water sources for industrial and domestic purposes has helped deplete the limited water resources to a large extent. Imagine that if the water scarcity has seriously influenced human’s life, nothing they will adopt except grasping the water with force. Thus, the cruel war seems to be inevitable. I think that everyone should regard resources problems as the most urgent and significant issue and everyone should make efforts to avoid such tragic affect.
I do not think I have the right to criticize others since I myself do not help a lot in saving water, but as a resident of the earth who have awaken from the ignorance and really realize the importance of saving water, I think I have the duty to remind and awaken everyone before it is too late. Maybe you will ask that water can be circulation used, but I would like to highlight that the technology is not so advanced and the whole process cost a lot of time, furthermore each time the water be supplied is limited, even if we waste a drop, it will make it not convenient to other’s life. Another thing should not be neglected is the polluted water which contains toxic elements will lead to the disease, the big amount of the polluted water cannot be reused. As the author commented “Pollution has made already scarce water resource scarcer.” For the sake of the humans, solutions must be taken to solve resource scarcity problems . As for individuals, saving water undoubtedly is very basic

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Go on eating shark’s fin

If I express my opinion directly in the public, I am sure that I will attract intense criticism since most people will stand at the opposite position, even people who regard it as a controversial issue will not hesitate to disapprove me, whereas my perspective will not be changed although they will try to persuade me by the emotional words and vivid examples. In fact, they misunderstood my real meaning.
The first thing I want to explain is that I also disapprove of catching sharks without restriction, in fact, I incline to agreeing with capturing a restricted amount of sharks instead of banning it. In essence, it is a strategy to control the amount of sharks and keep the balance of marine ecology at the same time. Undoubtedly, as the unique and absolute ruler of the sea, sharks have established an unraveled position. As a result, the fate of the small fish is to be the victims of the sharks. Of course, it is a common natural regulation, however, have you considered the dinosaurs which had the similar situation before? Such kind of rulers without human’ intelligence would be easily in the face of the food deficiency problems as they did not breed food. As we know, all the resources in the earth are limited, but the increasing rate of the dinosaurs was much higher than the rate of the food growing. Similarly, if the amount of the sharks is not under control, can you imagine what will happen? A direct influence is that sharks have to fight for the limited food and most of them will suffer from hunger. As for the small fish, they will be extincted. With the duties of keeping the balance of the food chains, solutions must be taken by people lest such things happen. I must admit that the purpose of capturing sharks now is obviously only for the considerable benefit, and the amount of sharks be caught is really much higher than the border we can tolerate. I also feel angry with such actions, but as I mentioned before, my opinion is catching sharks under control since I have pointed the necessity of it. The problem is that, if solutions will not be taken by people, who will play the role of keeping the balance of the sea? Comparing to the possible worse results, having shark fin’ soup, is not only for the taste, not only for human’s health, but for the future generation of the marine creatures. We should not neglect that, as an expensive dish, the demand of shark fin’ soup can be controlled.
Another aspect should be considered is the people who make a living by it. The boss of capturing the sharks have become millionaires, however, the workers will lose their jobs if such action is banned. Then the government will be under pressure since they have to spend more money on the welfare. I must highlight that comparing to environment which decides the fate of the human, the loss of the economy is not worthy to consider. Also such social problems are temporary because in the future no one will choose this profession, however, as I pointed before, catching sharks appropriately will not break the environment, in contrast, it keeps the balance of the ecology. Agreeing with catching sharks under control is reciprocal.
I admit that it is cruel to deprive sharks of freedom, but it is the realistic world, it is the natural regulation, in order to avoid the ecology being broken, nothing can be done by people except catching them. My opinion is not for the money, but for the sharks. I myself like animals very much, in fact, I am firmly against catching sharks without restriction. Based on this, eating shark fin’ soup should be accepted.