Wednesday, July 4, 2007

factors which hinder the process of the election

The superficial phenomenon of election is that candidates are striving for the support of voters as much as possible. In essence, the roles that candidates play in this process is convincing the public that they are capable of leading the whole country to stability and prosperity as well as showing their potential and charisma, however, due to the indifference and ignorance of the voters and the improper measure adopted by the candidates, which makes the electoral process diverge from its primary purposes and even hinder progress in democracies.
Instead of presenting their claims and proposes and depicting the bright prospect of the nation, some candidates even choose the absurd electoral strategies which exploit the public’s psychology and impartial sentiment, however, such kinds of measures are not persuasive in the logic at all.
For instance, some candidates exploit religion belief to pressure voters to stand at the same side as them. They convert the support of public to examine voters’ piety to the religion. In this way they prevent the voters from choosing the alternative which may cause the suspect of their loyalty. Thus, candidates avoid to facing the challenge of competing with rivals with their abilities. It is conceivable that the winners do not have adequate leadership to control the country.
As for Indonesia, some candidates use stars’ reputation and popularity to make advertisements for them and hope that the fans of those stars will become their supporters. The voters can commit the blunder to appeal to the false authority. On the other hand, the support of the stars means nothing about the sensible reasons to choose the candidates.
The worst case is the transaction between support and money. It has already demonstrated the high ratio of corruption if the government is in the charge of those kinds of people. Voters choose the candidates who promise them with considerable benefits instead of the ones who are really competent for the essential duties. Such kinds of election has lost their values and become a great disgrace to the democracies.
The aspect in common in three cases is the candidates avoid to showing their real ability but choosing improper ways to obtain the support. The results of such kinds of election should not be qualified. People cannot expect the winners of the elections will improve their standards of lives. The essence of democratic elections is to choose the person whose ability is acknowledged by the public and adequate for the work.
Another factor hinders the process is the voters’ attitudes towards the election and the meaning of the democracy. Some voters do not care about the behaviors and if it is deserve to support and not regard the election which decides the fates of the country seriously. No actions seem to be done about disapproving the improper election or crusading to seek a fair form. In a democratic society, individuals should have a passionate attitude to the politics and be responsible to the nation. Their inaction and indifference to the politics make them accept the abnormal election results.
In conclusion, the improper measures adopted by candidates and the lack of sense of responsibility hinder the process of the democracy.

The most important factor in democracy

In my opinion, education should be regarded as the most important element to achieving democracy. Unlike other forms of societies which empower the government or a small circle of elites to lead the society to a correct direction, democratic society demands the public to participate actively in domestic and foreign affairs , the decision of essential policies and the sensible election of the competent candidates to represent their rights. Thus, their opinions will take an effect on the country to a large extent, so everyone should be required with education to make sure they can cultivate discernment and judgment.
Without reasonable discernment or judgment, people’s personal opinions will be easily influenced by the bandwagon which is not absolutely right. They are sometimes lured by the superficially brand slogans without considering the feasibility and incline to agreeing with someone by emotion , however, their opinions are decisive to the implement of the policies. In order to avoid this, education plays an indispensable role to nurture people’s discernment and judgment. Also they need to have foresight to predict the long-term benefit and form an outlook which places the others’ benefits to as high position as their own. Imagine that if voters do not have fully education, it is unrealistic to expect them to make the most reasonable decision under the comprehensive consideration to a complicated issue, but their opinions will be weighed as same as the sensible choices. Maybe it will cause a sad fact that the sensible proposes are overshadowed. Especially the significance of the some plans are not understood by the public, so they will not be implemented without enough support and the country will lose a golden opportunity to develop. Whereas, they cannot abandon the form of voting, so education is the only measure to solve the dilemma.
The power of the country is assigned to the individuals, in order to be competent and responsible, everyone is demanded with a high quality. Education open people’s minds with different perspectives and cultivate the ability to analyze a complex issue. Moreover, education impart the rudimentary knowledge to help them from common sense as well as encouraging people to consider problems without the intervention of emotion and the influence of opinions in the authority. Based on this, it is obvious that the ability to be a sensible thinker derives from education to a large extent.
It is decisive to a democratic society to elevate its overall qualities. In conclusion, I regard education as the most important factor because citizens’ qualities are depended on the education they accepted, moreover their opinions are crucial to the development of the society, especially in the democratic society. On no account can we assign the power of the country to a large amount of people without qualified education and regard them as the pillars the society. It is conceivable that education decides the future of the democracy.