Sunday, February 25, 2007

the most important challenge

Mr Lam had showed us a documentary to inform us how the global warming increased terribly, the article that I read warned me again and I began to realize that it is high time we should consider it seriously. The main information in the article is that if people do not slow down the pace of Co2 emission, North pole will become a part of history and human's memory, as a result, increasing sea level will swallon the cities near the sea as well as other awful aftermath we are not able to predict now.The urgent situation should be acknowledged and understood by everyone, however, in order to make the article not radical, the author cautiously complemented that the real cause of global warming was still controversial. He still wondered if he should make a clear instruction, however, no time for hesitating. Unlike the "calm" media , I want to shake others with power and emotion, even if some points are a little partial, or how can I draw the attention of sleeping people?
I was from the north of China, I do really feel our winter is becoming warmer and warmer, when my parents recall their childhood, the detail impressed me most was the ground covered with thick ice, however, this year my mother told me that it only snowed several times in Changchun. I do not deny that the nature really changes by itself, however , if the one of the factors which cause the global warming is not co2 emission, will the climate change so fast? On the other hand ,even if co2 emission was not guilty for it, do you think the redundant emission is not harmful?
If we recalled the 2006 year, people paid most of their attention on politics or conflicts. Arguments for benefits always exits among the countries , however, comparing the so-called benefits they care most to the whole environment, which is heavier in the scales of the fate of the human-beings? Protect and improve the environment will not only benefit us, also our descendant, if we continue damage the environment , our descendant will not appreciate for the magnificent culture or advanced technology created by us, in contrast,they will hate us because of the "masterpieces" we caused .
If we care for the future generation , why couldn’t us reject the conflicts and unnecessary arguments, establish a united organization to face the challenge together? Why couldn’t we make our intelligence into good use instead of wasting them on advanced and terrible weapons?
The most dangerous enemy is pollution , the most seminal issue is environment.
Wake up, it is still not too late.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

An unnecessary arguement

I was very proud that the 2007 Asian Winter Olympics Game was held in my hometown Changchun, however, the only episode reported in Singapore media made me really unhappy (I was supposed to choose the word angry instead to express my feeling but I know it is more reasonable to show my opinions in an objective standpoint) . The article recollected that six South Korean female players lifted a banner and stated that the whole Changbai Mountain belongs to them. Maybe it was a sensitive issue so the author did not show his opinions clearly, instead he quoted the remarks from the authorities in China the US and South Korea , and mentioned that the saying about Changbai Mountain was the origin of Korea maybe was just a lie made up by Korean Kingdom hundreds of years ago , they wanted to posses the beautiful mountain.
Changbai Mountain was one of the most famous traveling spots in Jilin Province. Several years ago I went to the mountain, I saw four remarks of the boundary of China and North Korean, I realized that we shared the mountain, however, South Korea(not North Korea)stated they were the only owner. Are they dreaming? Are they trying to overthrow a fact? I was sure that the author also thought it was unrealistic. I knew the authors viewpoints were limited in the official media, let me replenish comments about the points the author listed.
According to the author s record , the Korean government just tried to calm down Chinese government, but they did not clearly state the fact the mountain was shared by two countries, instead they hoped China not to be so serious. What a tactful diplomatic! Why didn’t they admit the faults properly? Why didn’t they illuminate the truth to the public? Why shouldn’t we behave seriously? Why cannot we be angry when a country interfere our domain? Then what is standpoint of the Korean government? Without their propaganda, how could Korean insist Changbai Mountain belong to them? Americas opinion should be considered, North Korean and North Korean are two countries, are the statement from South Korean persuasive? The about the mountain was their origin may not be true, even if it was true, do China asked for domain grabbed by Russia? We should respect the fact now, or it will arouse unnecessary conflicts. Furthermore, Olympics should be pure, it should not be influenced by politics. Why do not they state it properly?
I want to compliment that Changbai mountain was also the origin of Man race, so it was the holy mountain of Qing Dynasty , it decided the stability of Qing Dynasty. It was not doubt China should be the owner.
I just write something the author was not dare to publish, I think our viewpoints are similar. Even I realized I and Korea stand in two standpoints, I still cannot understand them.